Circular Economy is the only way to shape a sustainable society and the future of consumption is circular. GreenWins™ is the game changing concept combining Gamification, Recycling, and Digital Technology to motivate people to change their life habits, creating a collective positive impact on the Planet!

GreenWins™ has developed Smart Recycling & Digital Marketing totems which collect out of home waste (cans, plastic bottles, cups, batteries, etc.) and offer a unique media channel. These totems can be customised to collect different items (e.g. mobile phones, etc.) and programmed to offer tailored rewards to the clients for their responsible actions.  That steers them towards taking better decisions to sustainable living.

GreenWinsTM has also developed Reverse Vending Machine CashCups for reusable cups, which is refunding money with cashless system (see menu RVM)

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We believe that a great idea has the power to change the world.

Therefore, we are developing projects engaging everyone into the process of sustainable future co-creation, because we are the source of unlimited solutions. Smart Recycling and Digital Marketing Totems is our latest answer to the needs of modern society to reduce environmental footprint and achieve higher consciousness. If everyone considers that waste is rather a resource, than a problem, we can leapfrog as a civilization in our development.


Our world is changing too fast and we urgently need to disrupt the existing ways of doing, which are contradictory with “one planet” model.  The circular economy, the true sustainable one, requires that we change our behaviour around how we source, create, use and dispose of the plethora of products that surround our lives. We would like that our project is seen, first of all, as a commitment to a shift in the way we think about the life cycle of products and how we behave.  The power of behaviour change, particularly at the individual or consumer level in a modern society is huge, and we are keen to take the leadership in this direction and demonstrate the measurable results.

“If you want to succeed you need to find waste and do something with it. (“Sixth Wave”, J. B. Moody)

Our objective is to engender a positive dynamic and make recycling fun and rewarding. The industry 4.0 is already changing human-technology interaction, and we are part of this revolution.

Our vision is to develop the network of connected smart totems in the areas with high foot traffic such as shopping malls, food courts, train stations, airports, schools, drugstores, parking, streets, festivals to reach the maximum of consumers, so they can easily identify GreenWins™ totems and continue to get advantages while properly disposing of recyclable waste.

Also, every company and organisation can host GreenWins™ totem in its premises to make savings on the waste management, facilitate the recycling process and get new marketing channel to communicate with higher precision with employees and customers for better outcomes and higher returns.

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