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The spirit of Bévilard among the winemakers

Cup holders opening

Generous terminals

A smart totem to discard cups

The order of tomorrow

Intelligent recycling terminals: recycle and win

Successful initiative run at the technical school in Switzerland (BBZ, Bienne). Students adopted GreenWins totem to collect used batteries

The SMART recycling terminal: recycle and win

PREMIUM totem installed in a fast food restaurant to collect used batteries. The rewards are directly connected to the restaurant menu (1)

PREMIUM totem installed in a fast food restaurant to collect used batteries. The rewards are directly connected to the restaurant menu (2)

Intelligent recycling terminals: recycle and win

Successful initiative run at the technical school in Switzerland (BBZ, Bienne). Students adopted GreenWins totem to collect used batteries

The SMART recycling terminal: recycle and win

PREMIUM totem installed in a fast food restaurant to collect used batteries. The rewards are directly connected to the restaurant menu (1)

PREMIUM totem installed in a fast food restaurant to collect used batteries. The rewards are directly connected to the restaurant menu (2)

PREMIUM totem installed in a fast food restaurant to collect used batteries. The rewards are directly connected to the restaurant menu (3)

Interview James Cichy – Band (in Portuguese)

Interview Pascal Reichen CEO GreenWins (in Portuguese)

The spirit of Bévilard among the winemakers

Cup holders opening

Generous terminals

A smart totem to discard cups

The order of tomorrow

CleanTech Magazine Swizterland Magazine Swizterland

Interview James Cichy – Band (in Portuguese)

Interview Pascal Reichen CEO GreenWins (in Portuguese)

Successful initiative run at the technical school in Switzerland (BBZ, Bienne). Students adopted GreenWins totem to collect used batteries

New project of totem to collect plastic cups during a beer festival

Totem installed in a shopping centre to collect the electronic waste, with signage related to the advertising campaign

PREMIUM totem installed in a fast food restaurant to collect used batteries. The rewards are directly connected to the restaurant menu (1)

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